Certified Professional Coach



Rebel and liberate yourself, achieve your full potential and live the life you want

Personal liberation coaching | No nonsense | No BS | No woo woo

Hello and welcome!


It takes courage and self awareness to admit to yourself there is room for growth and to take the first steps in that direction. So congratulations! You are here for a reason.


And living your life on your own terms usually involves some kind of liberation. Liberation from what?


Liberation from anything that gets in your way. Anything that doesn’t serve you and is holding you back. Even if it means going against everything you’ve been indoctrinated with since birth. Liberation in the face of fear of getting disowned, ostracized, excommunicated, kicked to the curb, dumped, fired, called into question, labeled, called names, guilted and shamed (also by your own inner voice).


Rebel against every idea and doctrine holding you in a mental and emotional prison! Put yourself and your interests first. There is always a more fulfilling life beyond the “reality” that has been pushed upon you.

It is better to follow the voice inside & be at war with the whole world then to follow the ways of the world & be at war with your deepest self.

What about the No-nonsense-No-BS-No-woo-woo part?

Happy to explain!


No nonsense: Clear and straightforward communication. No jargon that intimidates and confuses. No psychobabble. Everything we talk about should make sense to you. No lecturing and no advice. You figure out your own answers and solutions. You know better what’s good for you.


No BS: No unrealistic expectations. No fake excitement, shallow optimism or insincere cheerleading. No made-up stuff. No promises except those you make to yourself. No mind tricks or hidden agenda.


No woo woo: No talk of non-existent or unproven phenomena, junk science, pseudoscience and snake oil, weird rituals, misuse of legit scientific terms, outlandish theories or anything else to pull you into alternative realities, illusions or delusions that don’t serve you. You create your own reality the way you see fit.

And what’s your story?

My story? 🤔


Are you looking for my biography, a list of credentials, an alphabet soup of titles and degrees along with teary stories of my struggles, trials and tribulations that made me who I am today? 


Now think of it, why would that make a difference? Coaching is about you, not about me. 


A coach stays in your world and works within your system of values and frame of reference. Nothing about the coach’s personal views, life experiences or prior work with other clients should play any role in the coaching process. 


And the same is true regarding what you know about the coach.


Because that biases you as well. What you know about your coach is likely to affect the effectiveness of coaching, and not necessarily in a productive way. The information you have about your coach will influence your thinking in many ways. It may cloud your mind with judgments or make you seek a coach’s opinion instead of working out your own answers. 


The less we know about each other, the more objective and effective the coaching process will be and the more we can focus on making progress toward your goals.


But I’d still be more comfortable with a coach I know a lot more about and can relate to!

That’s completely understandable! In fact, I am sure the majority of people are only comfortable working with a coach they have a lot of information on and can relate to: life story, experience, age, challenges overcome and lessons learned – the whole nine yards. And most coaches will be happy to share that and more. What’s more, coaches coaching other coaches on making lots of money coaching coach them to babble about themselves ad nauseam. Actually that’s consulting. So let me ask you:


  • How do you know the personal stories posted for public consumption are completely true?
  • Unless you are looking for advice, what difference does the coach’s past make for your future? And if you are looking for advice, you are in the wrong place anyway. That would be consulting or mentoring. Not coaching.
  • How much like your coach or anyone else but yourself do you really want to be?

Did you at least go to school for that?

Yes, I went through a rather extensive professional coach training program and have verifiable credentials. Just ask. (Which doesn’t mean my school shares or approves my views or ideas. I am sailing on my own now, if you are getting my drift.)

Do you specialize in any particular type or area of coaching?

I don’t, because coaching applies to the whole person, not a particular story. You are just one person, and everything is interconnected in your life. For example, what happens at home affects how you show up at work and vice versa.


Because coaching is not about giving advice, the focus is on the coaching process itself regardless of what particular situation you are experiencing at a given moment in your own life. And separating the coach’s own experiences, views and biases can make the coaching process more focused on meeting the goals that are truly yours.


Even the rebellion / liberation theme is not something that would be shoved down your throat. While it’s true that moving forward often requires resolving something that is holding you back – the inner blocks – you won’t be required to join the rebels or feel like one to make progress.

Why are you doing this anyway?

Too many people feel stuck in their careers, relationships and entire lives. They were fed, from a young age, beliefs and values that are not truly theirs and benefit anyone else but them. Many people accept those deleterious values as absolute truth, the “reality,” and are conditioned to feel guilty for even thinking about questioning them, let alone divesting of them. Even the very ability to see a different perspective has been erased from the minds of many.


And the result? Living an unfulfilled life on autopilot, lost potential, missed opportunities, bitterness, resentment, envy, judgment, victimhood, regrets and a growing list of “too lates.” All while existing rather than living, barely coping and just tolerating.


Many people will sleepwalk like that through their lives to their graves. And yet there are some who suddenly or gradually wake up. That moment of awakening happens at a different point in everyone’s life.


Waking up from the zombie state creates an opportunity for liberation and personal growth. Sometimes the process is fast and sometimes it goes in fits and starts.


Coaching provides support to ensure the process of personal growth is steady and efficient. It provides a safe space in those times when you feel alone in your quest for freedom and a better life. It supports you when you feel tremendous pressure to conform, stop swimming against the current and “do the right thing.”


Here are some of the effects of coaching I’ve seen:


improving the quality of life and life satisfaction, setting and achieving personal and career goals, growth of self awareness, joy and happiness, living fulfilling lives full of success, learning to handle all sorts of situations and turn them to one’s own benefit, having no fear about the future, making the most out of life, getting unstuck, improving interpersonal relationships and building new ones, finding new fulfilling careers or growing in the current ones, getting a safe non-judgmental space to be one own self and figure oneself out with no pressure or anyone’s opinions…


And that’s why I decided to go into coaching.

Interesting… and if I wanna talk to you?

If you are thinking about self-liberation or anything else worth talking about, send me a message using this contact form.

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Is coaching for everyone?


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