Certified Professional Coach


Energy Leadership Index Assessment

Energy Leadership Index Assessment measures your attitudes and perspectives that determine how you interact with the world on a daily basis. Those attitudes influence the outcome of every situation and determine your overall outlook on life, the level of your success in different areas – business, finance, relationships, etc. – and your overall satisfaction with life.

Unlike a personality test that evaluates your long-term traits, this assessment measures your current attitudes that can change with time and rising self-awareness.

ELI assessment consists of a questionnaire that you take online and a 1.5-hour-long debrief session with a coach certified in administering this evaluation (ELI-MP, or Master Practitioner). Here is a partial list of what you can learn about yourself:


  • How you react to stressful situations and why
  • How different attitudes show up in different areas of your life
  • What you can work on to increase your success and life satisfaction
  • Potential opportunities you’ve been missing because of your current attitudes and reactions
  • Your level of engagement with life itself – sleep walking and reacting with conditioned reflexes or experiencing awareness and making conscious choices of how to respond to whatever life throws at you
  • Your leadership style and how it affects yourself and everyone around you

This assessment has been scientifically validated

You can take it once or you can retake it from time to time to assess your progress in shifting perspectives and increasing the quality of your life. As a matter of fact, a single number calculated in the assessment, the Average Resonating Level of energy (ARL), is a strong indicator of your current success in life based on your current attitudes. Increasing ARL correlates with more success in business, finance, and personal life.


An article in the Forbes Magazine listed ELI as number 3 among the “11 Assessments Every Executive Should Take.”


To understand how ELI works, it’s worth gaining clarity on how the term “energy” is used in this context. To avoid stepping into the woo woo land, let’s say this word is used mostly metaphorically rather than in a purely scientific way. Here is a suitable definition of energy found in a dictionary:

The strength and vitality required for sustained physical or mental activity. A person's physical and mental powers, typically as applied to a particular task or activity.

For the  purposes of ELI, the word “energy” is also used to indicate a type of perspective, attitude or a filter through which one views the world, oneself in it and relationships with other people. That perspective and filter determine one’s reactions, responses, and the entire belief system. 


ELI recognizes 7 levels of energy. Each level is associated with a core emotion, thought and action. It is also linked to the level of self awareness, ego strength and relationship with the world. The higher the level, the higher its “resonating energy” is.


Of the 7 levels, the first two are dominated by the “catabolic” or destructive energy that leads to stress. “Anabolic” or creative energy shows up more and more as you go from level 3 through level 7.

Level 1: Feeling lost. Stuck. Lack of choice. I can’t. I have to. Fearful.

Level 2: Anger. Combativeness. Resisting or fighting energy.

Level 3: Rationalizing. Fine. Coping.

Level 4: Care. Compassion. Service to others.

Level 5: Reconciliation. Win-win. Solution-focused.

Level 6: Intuition. Creative genius. Visionary.

Level 7: Absolute Passion. Non-judgment. Oneness.

Leadership is another key concept of ELI

Leadership is not only a corporate term. Look at it as influencing others rather than herding a flock. From that point of view, everyone is a leader because we always influence people around us, often even without realizing it. We also lead ourselves being the “CEOs of our lives.” 



Our leadership style determines our success and life satisfaction. Leaders can be catabolic and anabolic, just like the energy their leadership style and ability represent. The ARL (Average Resonating Level of energy) correlates with one’s leadership ability. 



The ELI assessment report shows your profile across the 7 levels of energy on a normal day and when you are under stress. Here is a sample: 



So if you are interested in learning more about ELI or want to take the assessment, send a message. 


In the meantime, here is another Forbes article on this subject.

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